Adam Isiah Green interviews 30 interviews with same-sex couples in the Toronto, Canada area. Through these interviews Green seeks to challenge both critical queer/feminist theorists and social conservatives who fear same-sex marriage for different reasons. Conservatives feel that same-sex couples marrying will challenging the institution of heterosexual marriage, resulting in "further eroded mental monogamy and the traditional gendered division of labour, increase out-of-wedlock childbirth among heterosexuals, undermine dyadic stability and the nuclear family, and return humankind to an earlier state of precivilization" (405). Contrarily, some queer theorists fear that same-sex marriage inclusion will affirm heteronormative standards and "disciplining of a new, assimilated queer subject" (405). Furthermore, the heterosexual marriage "is an institution profoundly implicated in the historical disempowerment of women" (406), leading some lesbian feminists to question why women want to perpetuate a system of sexist control, that especially reinforces gender binary roles. Gay and lesbians who seek to same-sex marriage work of hegemonic ideals of monogamy and fidelity being "normative". Green sets out to challenge these ideas from these three groups.
In addition to privileges, Green finds through interviews that the label of married confers a certain psychological legitimacy that long-term relationship simply does not. Marriage also confers legitimacy on these couples in the eyes of others, especially family members who were hesitant to accept homosexuality. Green discovers that many of these couples break the normative assumption of marital monogamy, with more being open to out of marriage sex than in heterosexual relationships. Just as monogamy is decided on democratically, division of labour and money are also more fairly divided based on wants instead of prescribed gender expectations. These findings challenge queer fear of heteronormative assimilation, but fulfill conservative fear of gender role deterioration. In short, Green asserts that "gays and lesbians will transform the institution , rather than the institution transform gas and lesbians" (429).
1. While Green analyzes the fear by queer theorists that same-sex marriage will reaffirm heteronormative standards and force queer couples to work in a historic matrix of gender oppression, he is largely silent on how marriage is a largely classist institution. Given that most of the participants were white, educated, and well off, what role does intersecting privilege play in the institution of (same-sex) marriage, especially in this research? Who has the ability to marry?
2. While he alludes to male heterosexuality in normative marriage being linked to the need for reproduction, he does not comment on how this is inextricably connected to capitalism. The continuation of the "nuclear family" and reproduction is vital to American consumer culture and the continued production of mass goods. How is late capitalism linked with marriage and how is it ironic for queer bodies to assimilate into this overarching capitalist system largely dependent on the exploitation of the Global South? How does this tie in with privilege in question 1?
3. This is study is focused around cisgendered couples, but how would assimilation into the gender imposing institution of marriage effect trans* people? How can trans* bodies be accounted for in this nuanced discussion of "homonormativity" and why is their voice largely left out? Who is left out of the conversation?
*sorry about it being late* (॓_॔)
Paul Collins
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
"The Trouble with Normal" - Michael Warner
Warner opens with an anecdote about the gay magazine “Hero”, the first
intentionally sex-free magazine of its kind. The editor of “Hero” started the
magazine after being shocked that an essay he wrote for another magazine
appeared above an advertisement for phone sex—he wanted a magazine he could
show to his mom. Warner uses this anecdote, and others, to paint a picture of queer
reactions to stigma. He talks about Erving Goffman’s categories of people into “stigmaphiles”,
who share identity and community with other people stigmatized for the same
things as them, and “stigmaphobes”, who each strive to be one of the “normals”
draws a line between normative gay and lesbian movements and radical queer
ones, pointing out that normative groups have far more social and political
power than radical ones, saying “The more you are willing to articulate
political issues in a way that plays to a normal audience, the more success you
are likely to have.” (3) He says what defines gay and lesbian communities is
that they have to be somewhat sexual in order to find members united primarily
by who their sexual objects are, but that they simultaneously “draw the curtain”
over that sexuality to avoid shame. He claims that these communities’ rejection
of queerness in favor of normativity isn’t malicious, but based in “trickle-down”
thinking (26). Still, their rejection treads upon people who can’t or won’t
live normatively. Normative gay and lesbian figureheads like James Collard, “post-gay”
editor of Out Magazine, appear as leaders of the “true lesbian and gay movement”
by virtue of the power their stigmaphobic ideologies lends them (28-29). Queer
communities, on the other hand, teach us that “everyone deviates from the norm
in some context or other and that the statistical norm has no moral value” (30)
writing about the conflict between more conservative (mostly) LGB queer people
who want to “stay at home and make their boyfriends dinner” and queer people who
actively reject norms resonated with my own experience in queer communities. A
lot of my earliest queer friends were of the former category, and I remember
being confused that they wanted to fight their feelings of shame and stigmatization
around their sexualities by making their sexualities appear more acceptable,
rather than ~being themselves~ and challenging the definition of acceptable.
piece also made me think about disabled queer people’s experiences—many people perceive
those with disabilities, especially intellectual/developmental disabilities, as
neuter or not interested in sex. I wonder how queer disabled people’s
sexualities are seen, if they are seen at all?
How does “respectable” gay and lesbian normativity harm or disempower other,
more non-normative queer people?
Warner says “Variations from the norm…are not necessarily signs of pathology.
They can become new norms” (18). How do LGBTQIA+/queer people conform to norms
within their communities? When do those norms conflict with or diverge from mainstream
heterosexual culture? When do they converge with it?
“Is it normal to want to be normal?” (15)
(silly) question: was Warner’s comment about “letting all the gerbils scamper
free” a reference to the urban legend about the gay men and the gerbil?
Apologies for any typos/brainos--I realized too late that this post was due at 6pm yesterday, and I'm running on very little sleep. Forgive me!
Monday, November 24, 2014
"What's Wrong With Be[com]ing Queer?" posted by Sara Goldstein-Weiss
“What’s Wrong With Be[com]ing Queer? Biological Determinism as Discursive Queer Hegemony”
Weber's article explores the idea of pro-gay biological determinism and the opposing argument from the Christian Right. She shows how biological determinism, while intended to support queer people, has instead led to exclusion and erasure of some queer identities and experiences. Weber first explains how biological determinism has come to be the popular pro-gay attitude because it is a more convenient position for political activism, despite academic work supporting social constructionist views. She then outlines the Christian Right's use of “gay-as-deviant-choice” arguments and contrasts those with the mainstream pro-gay views of “biological homonormativity.”
To show how biological homonormativity has become intertwined with pro-gay discourse while constructionism has with anti-gay views, Weber uses a google search, the exchange between Melissa Etheridge and Bill Richardson, the movie “But I'm A Cheerleader, ” and the case Perry v. Schwarzenegger. Weber analyzes google search results concerning sexuality and biological roots to show that a plurality of sites claim that sexuality has biological origins, and that such arguments are linked with pro-gay discourse, while anti-gay views are linked with social constructionism. She also uses the example of Melissa Etheridge's angry response to Bill Richardson's belief that being gay is a choice to show that gay-as-choice arguments are linked with homophobia and that gay people who subscribe to the ideas of biological homonormativity assume they speak for all queer people when they assert their views. She concludes that only by understanding sexuality in an expansive way can we create an atmosphere that does not marginalize LGBTQ people whose experiences do not coincide with biologically homonormative ideas.
I read this piece with the assigned readings by Adrienne Rich and Judith Butler in mind because I remembered talking about the origins of sexuality and gender when discussing those readings. This piece gives more context for the reactions to Rich's conception of lesbianism. When I first read Rich's piece, I was shocked to see a pro-gay argument that viewed homosexuality as a choice, because, as this article discusses, all of the arguments I had heard concerning “gay-as-choice” had been anti-gay rhetoric. Weber's explanation of the history of biological homonormativity and how the political landscape shaped current discourse allowed me to understand how the false idea that all beliefs based on social constructionism are necessarily offensive to all queer people has been perpetuated.
- Did this article change the way you think of the origins of sexuality?
- Do you think it is possible for hegemonic pro-gay ideas to shift away from biological homonormativity without creating unwanted vulnerability to “gay-as-deviant-choice” arguments?
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Mutilating Gender
As Spade himself says, “Mutilating Gender” examines the relationship
between individuals seeking sex reassignment surgery (SRS) and the medical establishments
with which they must contend in order to fulfill their goals. While the piece
primarily focuses on medical governance of transsexual bodies, it can be broken
down into several subthemes, including (but not limited to): cisgendered
gatekeeping and the resulting dominant trans* narrative, perpetuation of the
gender binary, and presumed heterosexuality.
The “gatekeeping” metaphor Spade uses throughout the piece is fairly straightforward.
It refers to the authority given to medical professionals – usually cisgendered
– to determine who may medically transition. However, not just anyone can be
given the go-ahead to do so. In order to be seen as eligible for sex
reassignment surgery, the individual in question must first meet the rigid
demands of diagnostic criteria, which generally means adhering to a dominant
trans* narrative: the dissonance must stem from childhood and the individual
must be sufficiently masculine or feminine, depending on which gender they wish
to transition to.
Afterwards, they must “prove” that they are truly ready for and committed
to their transition by “inhabit[ing] and perform[ing] ‘successfully’ the new
gender category” for a preset amount of time (13). The emphasis here on success implies a “right” way to perform
gender, and thus perpetuates the idea of the gender binary. Spade also mentions
the impact that presumed heterosexuality has on the determination of
eligibility for SRS: one is more likely to be allowed to transition if doing so
will align them with the “correct” sexual orientation, i.e. changing gender in
order to pass as heterosexual.
- - -
By setting up diagnostic criteria at all, the medical world is prescribing certain qualities to transsexual individuals. It is demanding of them a trans*
narrative – something innate, something universal, something that can better proclaim
individual identity than the individuals themselves. The fact of the matter is
that in order to gain access to medical resources, you must identify with the
gender binary. The problem must be “within the mind of the ill rather than within
the construction of what is healthy,” and the treatment must be seen as “fixing”
that problem, thereby allowing the individual to better conform to a gender
role (7).
The medical regime, then, both perpetuates society’s ideas of what it
means to be male or female and negates the experience of anything in between. Using
behavioral criteria to diagnose gender still functions to emphasize the
differences between the genders themselves, implying that one who identifies as
male would not perform acts seen as characteristically “female” and that one
who identifies as female would not perform acts seen as characteristically “male.”
This assumption of a lack of middle ground is ironic in the sense that SRS is generally
seen as a “freeing” process; however, in taking away the potential to
transition for sake of freedom of self-expression, it devalues gender
self-determination and fluidity, thereby stifling the individual. The fact that
the “trans* narrative” must be strategically employed by the person in question
goes to show the true nature of the process: they are not being asked to express
themselves, but rather to present an image that complies with the preconceived
societal notions of what it means to be a “real” transsexual and thus “deserving”
of medical assistance.
The politics behind this procedure are problematic for a number of
reasons. For one, who has the authority to determine an individual’s identity
if not the individuals themselves? Furthering that, who is to decide whose
story is more “legitimate” or “real” than another’s? How can we place objective
criteria on something so purely subjective as experience, anyway? And why do we
feel the need to constantly adhere to what is “normal” when “normal” is nothing
more than a social construct?
- - -
Discussion Questions
If you prefer to keep rhetorical questions rhetorical, here are a few
others to consider:
1. Where else can Spade’s idea of gatekeeping be seen in LGBTQ lives
and politics? For example, how does this concept relate to intersexuality?
2. Who, if anybody, is to benefit from the rigid diagnostic criteria of
sex reassignment surgery?
3. Why do you think other forms of cosmetic surgery are seen as more
acceptable than (and are more accessible than) SRS? How does this relate to gender?
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Ritchie’s focus in the article Queer Activism and the Politics of Visibility in Israel-Palestine is
on the way Israel and Palestine react to MOGII communities. There are two big
dynamics discussed in the article.
One is relevant to how Israel is built on two contradicting sets of
ideals; the first is overarching liberalism and the second is ingrained racism
due to the nature of Israel as a state that continues to deny Palestinians
access to their native land.
Ritchie concludes that the lauding of Israel as a safe haven from
Palestinian homophobia is a way to “evade the fundamental contradiction between
racism and liberalism that defines Israeli nationalism.” Ritchie says that in the context of the
western world, many liberal Zionists use the argument of homosexual acceptance
to claim that Israel is better than surrounding religious homophobic
cultures. Contrarily, Palestinians
are never asked if they want to be visible in Israel’s queer community, and
instead used to further Isreal sympathy while supporters quietly ignore that
Palestinian queers can never really incorporate into Isreal’s queer community
while they are still viewed as “outside” of Isreal’s society for their
Ritchie moves on to analyzing Shaul Ganon’s ideas on Palestinian culture as it
intersects with queerness, he relays that Ganon feels that Palestine’s culture
is overshadowed with high value of the family’s reputation. Many queer Palestinians don’t “come
out” for fear of ruining the family name.
Ritchie then critiques that many people can’t resist bringing
Palestinian queerness into Isreali or Western context, and need to force
Palestinians to live an existence of visible and active queerness all the
time. Ritchie continues to say
that Palestinians who live this way are actually western or Isreali due to this
conversion to “queerness” as a lifestyle and active way of living. “Enlisting” Arab or Palestinian queers
into this western/Isreali frame is only a tool for the gain of western means. Leaders in queer Palestinian
organizations admit that they feel humiliated and uncomfortable with the way
they have ideas prescribed to them without permission.
Discussion Questions:
are some similar cases of “using” marginalized groups for the sake of seeming
politically inclusive, while backhandedly continuing to oppress?
do many other “western” societies enforce their own standards upon the rest of
the world?
do you feel about non-western and non-modern ideas of queer identity? Do you think being queer would be
viewed “differently” if the communities and lifestyles surrounding it were
downplayed or nonexistent? What
affects would that have on the queer population?
Sunday, November 16, 2014
White Gloves, Feminist Fists: Race, Nation and the Feeling of ‘Vintage’ in Femme Movements
In this piece, Dahl explores the way the 1950's "vintage" aesthetic has been taken up by (white) queer femmes and how it "can be linked to 'the performativity of
whiteness.'" (3) She begins by defining the contemporary femme movement as consisting of "lesbians and
other queer sexual subjects, most but not all of who identify as women and above all, to
whom feminine gender expressions and the politics of visibility and femininity are central
to their body politic." (4) Dahl posits that the lack of research done on femmes and the femme community is a result of a contempt for femininity where it aligns with strict, more outdated gender roles. Because femme is said to be more than just determined by clothing, she questions what the clothing choices of "vintage" mean outside of simply the aesthetic pleasure, and what it means for someone to be "nostalgic" for an era. She writes that she is working towards answering the following questions: If vintage... ‘connects us to women before us’, whom does it connect (us) to? What, to be a little
provocative, are the consequences of (trans)national femme organizing and aesthetic
practices invoking 1950s legacies of high femininity that also have ties to white
supremacy, US (cultural) imperialism and nationalism?"
Dahl then begins talking about the femme movement in Australia, charting how Sydney's Femme Guild incorporated and referenced Euro-American politics in their activism, as well as how the Guild's manifesto notes their appreciation for diversity ("femme is a radical queer embodiment of femininity 'camping' out in bodies regardless of sex or race or class", "an aspiration towards
‘global collaborations with other femme networks'", etc [7].) Interestingly, the Guild's float for the Mardi Gras parade (with "‘big flowing skirts’ and ‘big hair’" and a banner that referenced Rosie the Riveter) was put into the "America section", which Dahl asserts is an indication of the ability of "vintage" to unite the femme experience. Dahl also remarks that in using the image of Rosie the Riveter, participants of the parade were able to heighten their activism and queer the image of Rosie (which she remarks specifically in reference to a sign reading "see
how straight do I look with my fist up your cunt!") She also notes, however, that "As Osuri and Banerjee
(2004, 160) have argued, ‘the ownership of Australia as a white, Western country is
articulated through its political, cultural and military alliances with the UK and the USA’," and that the using Rosie in a queer, non-American context, furthers that (9).
She follows these observances of The Femme Guild's use of vintage in the parade with remarks made by the two women at the beginning of the piece who have found their place in the vintage femme movement. Both women see vintage aesthetics in part as a way of accessing family members - for one, her grandmother, for the other, her mother. One woman admires the way things in the 50's were built to last - quality over quantity - and the other praises the time's expectation of "domesticity and nurturance". Dahl summarizes that "vintage is thus a term variously used to describe a style of dress, a home decorating style, an ‘old- style’ aesthetic or a fetish, each of which has an attachment to a set of values, memories or identifications that exceed beyond a visual representation or costume" and that in this way, it is a form of "femmebodiment." (10) Because these are aspects of white femininity during the 50's, utilizing vintage in the femme movement has the potential to exclude femme people of color.
The final part of Dahl's piece focuses on Bird la Bird, a white femme performer who arrived in Australia from Britain in 2009. At a small local bar, Bird's debut performance, which relied on "a white-dominated history of feminism and queer critiques of normativity," was met with praise and laughter, while "‘Rank’, a commentary on imperialism and racism," was not so positively received (12). After an extraordinarily vulgar depiction of colonialism and racism in her performance, a riot broke out in the crowd, "and while her whiteness facilitated her arrival on that stage, she was not protected by her British or her royal queer status as an international performer." (13) Dahl continues on to claim that "By calling the seemingly ‘banale’ choices of aesthetic cues and themes for public displays of femme visibility into question and pointing to their entanglements with histories of racism and imperialism, Bird ran the risk of becoming a ‘sore point’ or a feminist kill-joy (Ahmed 2010); a characteristic far more often attributed to non-white bodies," and observes that through her article, she can be accused of doing the same (14).
Dahl concludes that "although the raised fist, dressed in a white glove, can point to the strength of femininity, it also serves as a reminder of a second skin, the preciousness of whiteness and a colonialist and racialized order that unfolds from and is oriented towards some femmes and not others," closing with the fact that the Femme Guild removed the white fist as their logo for this exact reason.
I've noticed the trend of "nostalgia" for 50's and 60's culture from people who weren't alive at the time (which calls into question whether or not this is a good use of the term nostalgia) and have found the celebration of the look without any consideration for the political climate surrounding those times particularly disconcerting. The anecdotes in the beginning, at first, placated me, as the women acknowledged these things ("'I know not everything was rosy back then (genocide, prejudice and so on)'"/"she saw [the 50's] as also marked by ‘McCarthyism and racial apartheid’"), but Dahl's questioning of how dress ties to culture made me believe that there is no way to access a culture without also accessing the general attitudes of the time surrounding it - in this case, racism, sexism, xenophobia - a whole slew of fears and aggressions acted out towards marginalized peoples. I can understand an appreciation for the look but to have strong positive feelings (or even a "fetish," as one woman described it) about the culture and perspectives of the time (especially on morality) I feel is concerning. In other words, I definitely agree with Dahl's remark that "The privilege of whiteness here enables gesturing towards an acknowledgement of ‘prejudice’, ‘genocide’ or ‘racial apartheid’ and yet, a simultaneous emphasis on ‘some lovely attitudes’ that can be recuperated or kinkily reworked," and can see where issues from that may arise (10).
(There are lots of run-on sentences in here, let me know if you'd like any further clarification on anything.)
Discussion questions:
She follows these observances of The Femme Guild's use of vintage in the parade with remarks made by the two women at the beginning of the piece who have found their place in the vintage femme movement. Both women see vintage aesthetics in part as a way of accessing family members - for one, her grandmother, for the other, her mother. One woman admires the way things in the 50's were built to last - quality over quantity - and the other praises the time's expectation of "domesticity and nurturance". Dahl summarizes that "vintage is thus a term variously used to describe a style of dress, a home decorating style, an ‘old- style’ aesthetic or a fetish, each of which has an attachment to a set of values, memories or identifications that exceed beyond a visual representation or costume" and that in this way, it is a form of "femmebodiment." (10) Because these are aspects of white femininity during the 50's, utilizing vintage in the femme movement has the potential to exclude femme people of color.
The final part of Dahl's piece focuses on Bird la Bird, a white femme performer who arrived in Australia from Britain in 2009. At a small local bar, Bird's debut performance, which relied on "a white-dominated history of feminism and queer critiques of normativity," was met with praise and laughter, while "‘Rank’, a commentary on imperialism and racism," was not so positively received (12). After an extraordinarily vulgar depiction of colonialism and racism in her performance, a riot broke out in the crowd, "and while her whiteness facilitated her arrival on that stage, she was not protected by her British or her royal queer status as an international performer." (13) Dahl continues on to claim that "By calling the seemingly ‘banale’ choices of aesthetic cues and themes for public displays of femme visibility into question and pointing to their entanglements with histories of racism and imperialism, Bird ran the risk of becoming a ‘sore point’ or a feminist kill-joy (Ahmed 2010); a characteristic far more often attributed to non-white bodies," and observes that through her article, she can be accused of doing the same (14).
Dahl concludes that "although the raised fist, dressed in a white glove, can point to the strength of femininity, it also serves as a reminder of a second skin, the preciousness of whiteness and a colonialist and racialized order that unfolds from and is oriented towards some femmes and not others," closing with the fact that the Femme Guild removed the white fist as their logo for this exact reason.
I've noticed the trend of "nostalgia" for 50's and 60's culture from people who weren't alive at the time (which calls into question whether or not this is a good use of the term nostalgia) and have found the celebration of the look without any consideration for the political climate surrounding those times particularly disconcerting. The anecdotes in the beginning, at first, placated me, as the women acknowledged these things ("'I know not everything was rosy back then (genocide, prejudice and so on)'"/"she saw [the 50's] as also marked by ‘McCarthyism and racial apartheid’"), but Dahl's questioning of how dress ties to culture made me believe that there is no way to access a culture without also accessing the general attitudes of the time surrounding it - in this case, racism, sexism, xenophobia - a whole slew of fears and aggressions acted out towards marginalized peoples. I can understand an appreciation for the look but to have strong positive feelings (or even a "fetish," as one woman described it) about the culture and perspectives of the time (especially on morality) I feel is concerning. In other words, I definitely agree with Dahl's remark that "The privilege of whiteness here enables gesturing towards an acknowledgement of ‘prejudice’, ‘genocide’ or ‘racial apartheid’ and yet, a simultaneous emphasis on ‘some lovely attitudes’ that can be recuperated or kinkily reworked," and can see where issues from that may arise (10).
(There are lots of run-on sentences in here, let me know if you'd like any further clarification on anything.)
Discussion questions:
- Do you find that the celebration of the vintage aesthetic and the implications of the culture surrounding it results in its participants aligning themselves with an imperialistic and ultimately harmful nature?
- Does linking Western countries in their queer pride erase queerness in non-Western countries?
- Is it possible to remove the aesthetic from the culture it resided in? That is to say, is there a way to appreciate the look without associating the sexist/racist (etc.) attitudes of the time?
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
If Only I Were Cute: Lookism and Internalized Homophobia in the Gay Male Community
Andrew J. Feraios’s article details
his experience in the gay male community and comments on how appearance is such
a paramount factor in social and sexual interactions. Feraios uses his life as
a case study, drawing on differences in his social life from times when he was
overweight and times when he was in “cute mode” (what he describes as when
individuals behaviors and appearance are manipulated and designed to seem more
sexually attractive). He noticed that he was treated with more attention when
he was thin and, but also that the attention was highly sexual. When he was
heavier, he found it easier to form real connections based on personality
rather than appearance. Faraios uses his experience to comment on lookism and
internalized homophobia in the gay community. He demonstrates that obsession
with appearance and qualities of sexual desirability could stem from poor
self-esteem and internalized homophobia. The judgment of fat, feminine, and
older members of the gay community is a result of societal stereotypes being
perpetuated due to “young gay men [having] little support to unlearn all of the
vile things they were raised to believe about gay men” (427). This is
manifested both in “less cute” gay men acting subordinate to “cutest”
individuals and a general fear of not fitting into the gay community.
This article relates directly to
what we just discussed in class about sexual fields. Feraios’s term “cute mode”
can be seen as an accruement of erotic capital. Faraios talks about how his own
erotic capital was increased through weight loss, contact lenses, and different
clothing. These specific qualities that Faraios talks about in his own life
seem to be the standard for garnering attention within the gay community. To
me, this goes along with the idea that even after coming out of the closet, one
is confined into a box of strict expectations and norms.
I thought one of the most
interesting points in the article was the idea that lookism and gay male sexual
and social hierarchies are directly related to substance abuse and HIV
transmission. The fact that the top reason for having unprotected sex for gay
men is that “he was really hot” is an unfortunate concept and hard to wrap my
head around.
Do you agree with the idea that lookism and
internalized homophobia are possible causes of HIV/AIDS transmission?
The article discusses how lookism and
internalized homophobia affect the cis gender gay male community. How do these
factors create hierarchies in other sectors of the queer community?
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The Social Organization of Desire: The Sexual Fields Approach by Adam Isaiah Green
In this article, Green details his theory of sexual fields, which is a sociological framework for analyzing how people with shared erotic identities or tastes interact with specific "erotic worlds", and how these worlds are structured in terms of what Green calls "erotic capital". Green uses a case study of gay black men in arenas such as gay clubs, bars, and bathhouses to analyze how certain qualities either reduce or increase a participant's erotic capital. Green also analyzes how sexual fields are split into "tiers of desirability", indicating how participants are stratified into categories of desirability based on physical or behavioral characteristics. Finally, Green explains the larger sociological implications of the sexual fields theory, and how it can be applied on a macro level in the study of sexuality.
Given that this week's focus on the syllabus is Queer Hierarchies, I read this article with that lens in mind, and personally found Green's framework for analyzing sexual situations useful not just for detailing how power relations play out for queer people within an erotic context, but just within interactions among the queer community in general. Especially interesting was Green's observation/suggestion that black gay men often "do race" (i.e. presenting themselves in a way that plays into some white gay men's fantasy of the thuggish, ghetto, or dangerous black male) to increase erotic capital, but do the exact opposite (play down their blackness) to be seen by white gay men as "relationship material". I feel like this instance speaks to Green's point that sexual arenas often apply a different set of rules or logic than general social arenas, but still manage to maintain the power structures we find in greater society. In the situations Green observed, gay black men may be able to increase their erotic capital by playing up their blackness (which Green points out often decreases socioeconomic capital), but they still must play down their blackness to be considered worthy of a long term relationship with white gay men- not to mention, of course, the mere fact that white gay men in these situations hold enough power that black gay men must be the ones altering their behaviors to cater to the rules of the environment.
I feel like the above described dynamic can be applied in a wider context to the conversation about who in the queer community dictates what acceptable queerness looks and acts like, and how others in the community must often alter their behavior and appearances to those standards to be accepted within and outside the community. Inevitably, the power structures that privilege whiteness, maleness, and higher socioeconomic status allow people in the queer community with those qualities to dictate what queer people "should" look like or act like, forcing members to either conform to those standards or risk being accused of not truly being queer (or just not being "queer enough"). For example, a society that privileges traditional masculinity has the double effect of putting masculine white gay men "at the top of the pecking order" (p. 41), as well as often treating femme lesbian women like they aren't queer or queer enough because they exhibit traditionally feminine traits.
1. How do you think sexual fields play out among groups not discussed in this article, such as queer women or trans women and men?
2. Green's article focuses on erotic and sexual situations, but how else do you think the observed valuing and commodifying of certain physical or behavioral qualities within sexual fields can apply to the queer community outside of explicitly sexual situations?
Given that this week's focus on the syllabus is Queer Hierarchies, I read this article with that lens in mind, and personally found Green's framework for analyzing sexual situations useful not just for detailing how power relations play out for queer people within an erotic context, but just within interactions among the queer community in general. Especially interesting was Green's observation/suggestion that black gay men often "do race" (i.e. presenting themselves in a way that plays into some white gay men's fantasy of the thuggish, ghetto, or dangerous black male) to increase erotic capital, but do the exact opposite (play down their blackness) to be seen by white gay men as "relationship material". I feel like this instance speaks to Green's point that sexual arenas often apply a different set of rules or logic than general social arenas, but still manage to maintain the power structures we find in greater society. In the situations Green observed, gay black men may be able to increase their erotic capital by playing up their blackness (which Green points out often decreases socioeconomic capital), but they still must play down their blackness to be considered worthy of a long term relationship with white gay men- not to mention, of course, the mere fact that white gay men in these situations hold enough power that black gay men must be the ones altering their behaviors to cater to the rules of the environment.
I feel like the above described dynamic can be applied in a wider context to the conversation about who in the queer community dictates what acceptable queerness looks and acts like, and how others in the community must often alter their behavior and appearances to those standards to be accepted within and outside the community. Inevitably, the power structures that privilege whiteness, maleness, and higher socioeconomic status allow people in the queer community with those qualities to dictate what queer people "should" look like or act like, forcing members to either conform to those standards or risk being accused of not truly being queer (or just not being "queer enough"). For example, a society that privileges traditional masculinity has the double effect of putting masculine white gay men "at the top of the pecking order" (p. 41), as well as often treating femme lesbian women like they aren't queer or queer enough because they exhibit traditionally feminine traits.
1. How do you think sexual fields play out among groups not discussed in this article, such as queer women or trans women and men?
2. Green's article focuses on erotic and sexual situations, but how else do you think the observed valuing and commodifying of certain physical or behavioral qualities within sexual fields can apply to the queer community outside of explicitly sexual situations?
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Mourning and Militancy
There are three important main arguments the author is expressing in this article. First, explaining the slogan Silence = Death where as a figure it works a striking image to bring attention to itself and not a mere logo. Two, the internal opposition or struggle of activism and mourning in response to the AIDS crisis early on. Three, the gay community (primarily the gay men) should be more militant or active in combating AIDS.
Reading this article I felt the author was trying to get the LGBTQ community mobilized to combat a serious disease that affected that community much more than any other in the early days of the pandemic. I felt it relates to other concepts we've discussed in class in that it shows how dynamic the LGBTQ community really is. "Mourning and Militancy" complements "Medicalizing Homosexuality", by Jennifer Terry, by quoting Freud and discussing the libido and objects of affection. In "Mourning Militancy", Douglas Crimp, mentions Freud as saying (of mourning), "The testing of reality, having shown that the loved object no longer exists, requires forthwith that all the libido shall be withdrawn from its attachments to this object" and " may be universally observed that man never willingly abandons a libido-position, not even when a substitute is already beckoning to him"(Crimp, pg. 6). Where in "Medicalizing Homosexuality", Jennifer Terry mentions Freud's reworking constitutional disposition as, "He suggested that the intends sexual repression characteristic of bourgeois Victorian society led to a perversion of the body's inherent sex drive away from its normal aim and object, as expressed in heterosexual reproduction, toward fantasies and practices involving substitute objects." (Terry, pg. 58). Crimp describing the object as a loved one being lost through AIDS and Terry describing the object as reproduction through heterosexual reproduction. Two very different topics but both related through the libido. I found Douglas Crimp's text somewhat confusing in that he quoted Freud throughout the text and I am not sure if he was using Freud to strengthen his argument against mourning or for militancy.
Studies from around the world suggests the rates for new cases of HIV among gay men continue to rise among all age groups, has the gay community become silent in the 21st century in the face of AIDS?
Why do think the author equates activism with militancy?
Reading this article I felt the author was trying to get the LGBTQ community mobilized to combat a serious disease that affected that community much more than any other in the early days of the pandemic. I felt it relates to other concepts we've discussed in class in that it shows how dynamic the LGBTQ community really is. "Mourning and Militancy" complements "Medicalizing Homosexuality", by Jennifer Terry, by quoting Freud and discussing the libido and objects of affection. In "Mourning Militancy", Douglas Crimp, mentions Freud as saying (of mourning), "The testing of reality, having shown that the loved object no longer exists, requires forthwith that all the libido shall be withdrawn from its attachments to this object" and " may be universally observed that man never willingly abandons a libido-position, not even when a substitute is already beckoning to him"(Crimp, pg. 6). Where in "Medicalizing Homosexuality", Jennifer Terry mentions Freud's reworking constitutional disposition as, "He suggested that the intends sexual repression characteristic of bourgeois Victorian society led to a perversion of the body's inherent sex drive away from its normal aim and object, as expressed in heterosexual reproduction, toward fantasies and practices involving substitute objects." (Terry, pg. 58). Crimp describing the object as a loved one being lost through AIDS and Terry describing the object as reproduction through heterosexual reproduction. Two very different topics but both related through the libido. I found Douglas Crimp's text somewhat confusing in that he quoted Freud throughout the text and I am not sure if he was using Freud to strengthen his argument against mourning or for militancy.
Studies from around the world suggests the rates for new cases of HIV among gay men continue to rise among all age groups, has the gay community become silent in the 21st century in the face of AIDS?
Why do think the author equates activism with militancy?
Queens In Exile, the Forgotten Ones by Sylvia Rivera
I’m sorry there
are no page numbers! There are no page numbers in the document!
In her work,
Sylvia Rivera discusses her entrance into the “queen” culture on the streets of
New York in the 1960’s. She walks us
through her childhood, beginning with the suicide of her mother when Rivera was
just three, growing up “without love” in her grandmother’s house because she
was born a boy instead of a girl, how she began to experiment with make-up and
sex in elementary and middle school and how she began to turn tricks on the
street with her uncle for money at age 10.
I found it
interesting how she uses such different and sometimes conflicting rhetoric when
talking about her early life experience as a young transwoman working on the
street. She says, “my grandmother used
to come home and it smelled like a French whorehouse, but that didn’t stop
me”. But also that she found the trick
turning, which she needed to do to survive, “disgusting...I used to go home and
scrub myself clean”. She talks about her
excessive drug use incredibly casually, but also discusses STAR’s priority in
keeping kids off the street and off of drugs. I think these dual narratives speak to
Rivera’s own personal mechanisms of coping and resistance.
I was also very
moved by Rivera’s analysis suggesting that the gay movement that began to
emerge in the 60s and 70s “did a lot of good just concentrating on the gay
issue. But they left the queens behind...And after all these years, the trans
community is still at the back of the bus”. This movement was clearly not for all
individuals with non-dominant sexual and gender identities. But out of this
exclusion came a grassroots, trans-specific organization, STAR, which Rivera
considers to have been an incredible gift to her community. Out of the exclusion came solidarity and an
identity-specific coalition.
do Rivera’s statements about the ambivalence of the gay rights movement toward
trans* individuals and rights speak to the larger nature of the movement and
how does intersectionality play into this issue?
do Rivera’s experiences with systems and structures make her experience and
needs different from those of individuals who are gay, and not trans?
the environment for trans* individuals improved since the times Rivera writes
are some present day examples of the concept of the oppressed becoming the
oppressors? And how can we, as social movers, prevent that from happening?
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Gay Liberation Front: Manifesto
The manifesto points out the factors in society that oppress the gay community, then examines how these factors specifically harm gay people and keep them oppressed. The manifesto then moves to suggest and demand change. Some main points in the manifesto included the analysis of the patriarchal family, current systems of education, religious influences, and violence as detrimental to gay people's lives. The manifesto insists that sexism works against gay men and women, and that the current power structures in society (ruled by heterosexual men) needs to be taken apart and reconstructed. There should be a collaboration with women and the women's movement in order to move forward and abolish oppression of the gay community. This radical manifesto also insists on action and advocacy, and aims to "rid society of the gender-role system which is at the root of our oppression."
There were many different parts that could use deep analysis, but I found the manifesto's understanding of homophobia's connection with sexism interesting, especially as it pertains to our short papers on intersectionality as well as our readings. The piece essentially calls for the deconstruction of the family and insists that it oppresses women and supports male privilege. Revolution is essential because the family reinforces sexist ideologies and lifestyles. I also found the Butch and Femme section really interesting because the manifesto condemns the imposition of masculine and feminine stereotypes. I always thought of butch and femme as more of a physical gender expression rather than an identity that could potentially dictate personality and behavior, and this part of the piece made me wonder how often masculine and feminine stereotypes are imposed (or self imposed) on people who identify as butch or femme. The piece also had other very radical statements and suggestions such as the critique of compulsive monogamy that I'm eager to discuss in class.
Discussion Questions:
1. Do you think that a same-sex family that operates similarly to a heterosexual family detrimental to the queer community?
2. The piece cites self oppression as the "ultimate success of all forms of oppression," and uses examples such as the femme woman who dislikes butches or the "virile gay man" who thinks of queens as pathetic. Is it self oppressive for a masculine woman to resent a feminine presenting woman, or for an effeminate gay man to look down on a more masculine presenting gay man?
3. Do you agree with the manifesto's analysis of compulsive monogamy? Is there a way to be monogamous without instilling some a power dynamic or feeling of ownership? What are the benefits of monogamy?
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Jennifer Terry "Medicalizing Homosexuality"
rejection of homosexuality was a consequent of Judeo-Christian religious
practices, until the turn of the 19th century when the rejection of
homosexuality became the result of medical theories that renounced
homosexuality as either an inborn anomaly, a manifestation of a defunct evolutionary
progression or a perversion caused by stress of the modern life. Terry examines the spectrum of theories, and there are two dominant sides 'innate' versus 'nurture'. Naturalistic scientist believed that homosexuals were born with
sexual inversions. Most of these congenital theories were negative; however, there were scientists like Hirschfield who saw homosexuals as a natural variation of
humans. Degenerate theorists, like Krafft-ebhing, saw homosexuals as unfinished
specimen of a “lagging evolutionary process”. This assumption came from the
inability for same sex couples to procreate, a threat
to the advancing society. Ellis
believed that children subjected to "unhygienic"
circumstances such as going to a same sex school, would develop homosexual desires. Nurture seemed to lead the more recent research. Freud theorized that homosexuality was caused by an impediment of psychological development. Terry
also writes about lesbianism, and the dominant thought was
that lesbianism was a result of women gaining independence from men. Freud
talks about how women develop "penis envy", which refers to when a
woman suffers from the lack of penis/masculinity that causes her to develop
hostility towards men.
was seen as a punishable crime until medicalization came along, which shifted
the society's perception from criminalizing homosexuality to pitying these
"specimen". Today, homosexuals are viewed as an eccentric minority or
as characters of entertainment in pop culture. I feel like there seems to
always be an extent of marginalizing homosexuals, and this act shows how
society still sees homosexuality as a deviance from heterosexuality. Although people have arguably become more open-minded, hetero-normativity (Fausto-sterling’s
piece) or compulsive heterosexuality is still the assumed sexual preference. I
realize, despite these intensive medical theories on homosexuality, none of the
scientists, apart from Hirschfield who started the world's first humanitarian effort
for homosexual emancipation, even considered accepting homosexuality as a
variation of society. Is recognizing homosexual existence enough? I find this
to be invalid. Instead, we should focus on integrating homosexuals into the
norm, and understand that homosexuality is just a sexual preference, not a
defining characteristic of a person.
find myself to be a strong advocator of female rights, and so the theories on
lesbianism had the biggest impact on me. There seemed to be an existing belief
that men drove the decisions of women and it appeared to be unfathomable that
a woman would choose to be a lesbian based on her own prerogative Yet, when I read
the diagnosis for male homosexuals, it was focused on either genetics or environmental
pressures, not women. Today, there are still theories that women become lesbians as an act of rebellion against men. I ask, why does there always have
to be a 'phallus' involved with women? It bothers me that society thinks that women still have to revolve their decisions around men. This prevailing attitude of male superiority in a woman's sexual life is regressive and sickening, and I feel that society needs advance from sexism
at a faster pace.
1. Krafft-ebing
believed the lesbianism wasn’t as powerful nor threatening to social order as
male homosexuality. He claims that this is because female's weaker sex drives
means lesbians do not have excessive sexual needs. Why do you think he uses
this measurement to define whether one's sexuality is ‘threatening’ or not?
2. Many
of these theories are written more than a century ago, to what extent do you
think our society has progressed in understanding homosexuality or the queer community
in general? Are we a more advanced and sophisticated society, or are there
still obsolete, discriminating notions?
3. Psychological theorists stated that homosexuals had a psych inversion - gay men adopted a female mindset.
These scientists often define sexuality in terms of gender identification instead of looking at the different variations of sexuality. What measurements would
you like scientists to define sexuality? Should there even be measurements to
something as fluid as sexuality?
Michel Foucault's "We 'Other Victorians'"
In "We, 'Other Victorians,'" philosopher Michel Foucault examines the history of sexual discussion in Western culture. Sexual repression, which is strongly associated with the Victorian Era of the 19th century, began in the 17th century. Society forced most people to conform to its expectations of sexuality, enforcing "its triple edict of taboo, nonexistence, and silence" (293) upon discussion of sex and sexuality. Those who did not comply with society's repression, namely prostitutes and the mentally ill, were considered outsiders. Foucault links this increase in sexual oppression to the expansion of capitalism that began during the 17th century. In a capitalistic system, he argues, labor capacity leaves little room for "pleasurable pursuits," except for the purpose of procreation. This mentality led to increasing silence surrounding sexuality, which "[became] an integral part of bourgeois order" (294). Foucault argues that it is difficult to free ourselves from this repression, that an upheaval of the social order is required in order for sexual discourse to openly occur. While "a great sexual sermon" swept through in 1960s and 1970s and "denounced the old order" (296) to make the discuss of sex less taboo, there are still problems with the system. Lastly, Foucault's challenges the basis of sexual oppression, asking readers, "Is sexual repression truly an established historical fact?" (298). He is challenging conceptions of sexual oppression, though he makes it clear that he believes the prohibition of sexual acts and discussions did occur. We, however, must look beyond prohibition to fully understand the sexual discourse and oppression of the past several centuries
What I found interesting about Foucault's piece was how he linked the beginning of Victorian-style sexual oppression to the advent of capitalism. It's an argument I have never heard before and adds yet another layer to the incredibly amount of changes that occurred when capitalism began to spread. I also liked how he questioned the roots of sexual oppression, since it is usually a topic that receives little insight. However, I wish Foucault had discussed the implication of sexual oppression on our current era and on sexual minorities. There is much to say about how Victorian-era ideals still influence our modern day perceptions of sex and sexuality. While the discussion is continuously becoming more open, both women and sexual minorities face excessive scrutiny of their sexual practices and sexuality.
1) In what ways does Foucault's piece apply to modern-day discussions of sexuality?
2) What sexual oppression does the LGBTQ* community face?
3) Foucault identifies prostitutes and the mentally ill as "Other Victorians." Who would you classify as "Other Victorians" and why?
What I found interesting about Foucault's piece was how he linked the beginning of Victorian-style sexual oppression to the advent of capitalism. It's an argument I have never heard before and adds yet another layer to the incredibly amount of changes that occurred when capitalism began to spread. I also liked how he questioned the roots of sexual oppression, since it is usually a topic that receives little insight. However, I wish Foucault had discussed the implication of sexual oppression on our current era and on sexual minorities. There is much to say about how Victorian-era ideals still influence our modern day perceptions of sex and sexuality. While the discussion is continuously becoming more open, both women and sexual minorities face excessive scrutiny of their sexual practices and sexuality.
1) In what ways does Foucault's piece apply to modern-day discussions of sexuality?
2) What sexual oppression does the LGBTQ* community face?
3) Foucault identifies prostitutes and the mentally ill as "Other Victorians." Who would you classify as "Other Victorians" and why?
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Lee JeeYeun, "Why Suzie Wong Is Not a Lesbian: Asian and Asian American Lesbian and Bisexual Women and Femme/Butch/Gender Identities"
In her article, Lee JeeYeun discusses three of the many heterogeneous forces that affect gender identities for Asian-American lesbian/bisexual women.
1. American Orientalisms is the idea that Asian-American women are viewed as Lotus Blossom Babies (hyperfeminine, passive/docile, exoticized and
eroticized for heterosexual white male consumption) or Dragon Ladies (hypersexual, cunning, sly wildcat sex goddesses). Lee's interviewees discuss gender presentation in terms of femme/butch identity — namely, how being femme subjects an Asian woman to the presumption of heteronormativity, while being butch or defying the hyperfeminine gender stereotypes would subject an Asian woman to violence and
2. Looking like a "Lesbian" discusses the conflation of butch presentation with queerness, and femme presentation with straight-passing. Lee talks about the
idea that the sexualities of women of color are almost entirely erased — not, however, by simply adding or subtracting layers of one's identity ("I'm queer, I'm Asian, therefore I'm invisible"). The erasure instead happens because of a specific racializing concept of gender. For instance, femme Asian women's identities are immediately assumed to be as heterosexual objects of desire because of the specific Lotus
Blossom/Orientalisms behind being an Asian woman — especially for bisexual women, who
are viewed as "straight people who swing" / not "~Tru Queers~."
3. Cultural Norms of Gender discusses the cultural forces that play into Asian women's gender identities, as they face several cultural
norms that differ from the dominant standards of the U.S. white middle class. One Chinese interviewee talks about "domesticity in the kitchen" not being a culturally predominantly
feminine trait in her household as opposed to western norms. Another interviewee suggests that Asian norms of femininity, which do differ from white mainstream
standards, may be limiting or traditional, and when Asian women choose how they want
to present, they're more responding to those Asian ideas of gender norms/femininity
than necessarily to western ideas.
Lee concludes by noting that our gender presentation and gender
identities are responses not only to hegemonic gender norms and compulsory
heterosexuality but also to different cultural standards and racialized gender norms. In tinkering with our gender
identities, she says, we can maybe never truly fit fully outside the hegemonic structures
we seek to challenge, because there is no truly pure space untainted by these
dominant discourses — however, we can still resist and think critically about and question the structures of these
I really enjoyed reading this piece, as you can probably tell from the behemoth of a summary I posted (sorry!). First off, it was personally relevant, as I identify as a queer Asian-American woman, and so the intersection of those issues is something I've been thinking a lot about lately. I liked the American Orientalisms section a lot — in some ways, I think, it dovetails very neatly with the idea of the Asian-American "model minority." In both cases, there's this insidious notion that Asian-Americans are passive and submissive to western societal standards. The model minority myth has historically been used as an antiblack attack, stereotyping all Asian-Americans as silent, hard-working STEM geniuses earning high incomes and falling neatly under the thumb of western capitalism — never mind the fact that this is 1) not actually true and harmful to Asian groups who don't fit under this stereotype, and 2) an insulting attempt to pit people of color against each other! Whereas the Lotus Blossom/Dragon Lady Orientalism stereotypes Asian women as obedient, sensual objects of white male desire. Just as it's not flattering to be told, "You're Asian so you must be really good at math" (I am not btw), it's very uncomfortable to hear something like "Asian women are so pretty, I've got yellow fever." Both of these scenarios, in short, feature the objectification of Asian-Americans under a white agenda. I'm also very interested in the cultural norms of gender Lee points out. I liked that she talked not only about difference in perception by ethnicity/geography but also according to one's class, which I think is a very salient point to remember. Now I really want to learn more about specific conceptions of gender identity/presentation in Asian cultures and how they might differ from western conceptions, which are the cultural constructs I'm most familiar with, so if anyone's well-versed on the subject you should come talk to me about it!
-Lee says we may not be able to completely destroy the hegemonic structures of race/gender/sexuality, but we can shift the grounds on which they're built. Do you agree? How would you define shifting the grounds?
-When Lee talks about forming strategies of resistance to hegemonic gender norms, she emphasizes the idea that said strategies must change according to the specific racial/class-related/other forces you face. How does your own identity affect the way you approach gender norms in your life?
-On page 126, Lee says, "It is important for analyses of gender ... to examine closely how the specificities of cultural differences affect gender, not only for women of color, but also for white women." What do you think she means?
-Lee talks about gender constructions not being a matter of
simply adding or subtracting identities but instead very specific/particular
racializing discourses of gender, e.g. assuming all femme Asian women are hyperfeminine and heterosexual. In what ways do you see these racialized
discourses of gender applied to other women of color?
-Lee talks about femme/butch stereotypes and how multiple
forces — one's race and cultural background, the threat of backlash when non-conforming to gender norms, the
idea of butch identity as somewhat of a sign of resistance — affect the gender identities of Asian women. I'd like to open this topic up to everyone and ask: In a
world where dominant stereotypes of gender are so prevalent, how much do you
think your own gender presentation has been affected by these forces?
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